Gemstones FAQs

• All the gemstones in our shop are genuine (real) unless otherwise indicated in the writeup or 'item details' (faux, dyed, coated, or man-made stones are all clearly identified.)

• Opalite, Sandstone/Goldstone, Blue Sandstone/Goldstone, Aura, Titanium flame etc are man made stones and coatings.

★ Any information given regarding the properties of
Gemstones is for 'entertainment purposes only'

Not intended to treat or diagnose medical conditions.

★ Please never substitute a gemstone for medical advice.
They are only meant to support and assist your journey.



Photos are examples only. Stone opacity, color, and patterns are unique. Gemstone selection is at our sole discretion. We do not offer returns or exchanges based on color or pattern variations. Information regarding the properties of gemstones is for entertainment purposes only. Not intended to treat or diagnose medical conditions, only assist you on your journey.

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● Amazonite: Well being and health, calms worries and fears (Color varies from light blue/green to brown/yellow)

●Amethyst: Spirituality, Meditation, Addiction release, restful sleep (Shade varies from light lavender to dark purple)

● Angel Aura*: Aura cleanser, past life, communing with angels.

● Aventurine: Heals childhood trauma, soothes suffering (varies from light to dark green. Also available in orange)

● Charoite: New possibilities, transmutation of negativity.
(Varies from light to dark purple)

● Clear Quartz: Master healer, Magnifies energies and intentions (Some pieces are perfectly clear, others show inclusions and cracks)

● Dalmatian Jasper: Creates joy, breaks down barriers

● Fluorite: Harmony to chaos, balance, Intuition, Shielding (Shades vary from transparent purple to green, striped and solid coloring. Fragile stone with natural fractures that could separate over time)

● Goldstone*(mm) Ambition, Energy, Confidence, Optimism

● Blue Goldstone* (mm): Expansive vision, Creativity, Self expression

● Howlite: Restful sleep, releases anger, self acceptance, generosity

● Labradorite: Strength, Personal growth, life changes. (Most pendants will have small spots of flash, but not every piece)

● Lapis Lazuli* Communication, Creativity, Self expression

● Obsidian ++: Strengthens energy field, protection against negativity

● Onyx ++: Protection, alleviates grief,

● Opalite glass*: (mm) Third eye, meditation, removes blockages

● Red Jasper: Insight, Dream recall, protection against negativity

● Rhodochrosite: Emotional healing, selfless love, lifts mood

● Rose Quartz: Love, opens heart to give and receive

● Faux Selenite: (mm) Enhances energy, balances confusion, for indecision

● Snowflake Obsidian: Purity, Balances mind, body and spirit, change

● Sodalite: Truth, Trust, self expression, facilitates group functions

● Tiger Eye: Wealth, Patience, Manifestation, will power, determination

● Titanium Flame* (special coating over Hematite stone) For astral journeys,  removes energy blockages

● Faux Turquoise*: (dyed howlite) Travel protection, Friendship, Intuition

● Unakite: Psychic healing, negates EMF fields, past life healing.

* indicates man made (mm), altered or enhanced gemstone

++ On occasion, my supplier sends Black Onyx instead of Obsidian

*** Labradorite: MOST pieces have some colorful flash. Not every piece.



Agate: Confidence, protection, good luck, strength

Amazonite: Well being and health, calms worries and fears

Amber: Powerful healer, memory, sacred history

Amethyst: Spirituality, Meditation, Addiction release, restful sleep

Ammolite: Transformation, Miracles, Positive outcomes

Ammonite fossil: Protective, good for the birthing process

Angel Aura: Aura cleanser, Past life , Communing with angels

Angelite: Peace, Balancing, increased awareness

Apatite: Stimulates intellect, creativity, self acceptance

Apophyllite: Connection to spiritual realms, aids meditation

Aqua Aura: Speak your truth, communication, Empowers

Aragonite: Patience, Meditation and coming to centre

Aventurine: Heals childhood trauma, soothes suffering

*Bismuth: Stone of transformation, vitality, calms disorder

Blue Lace Agate: Calming, soothes the nerves

Calcite - Green: Helpful for migraines, learning from our past

Calcite - Orange: Joy, uplifting, happiness

Carnelian: Success in business, Energizing, Brings you to present

Celestite: Encourages spiritual growth, angelic realms

Chalcedony: Goodwill, creativity, artistic expression

Charoite: New possibilities, Transmutation of negativity

Chrysocolla: Emotional balance, reduces fear, guilt and tension

Chrysoprase: Awakening hidden talents, brings insight

Citrine: Concentration, Endurance, Prosperity

Clear Quartz: Master healer, Magnifies energies and intentions

Copper: Pain relief, arthritis, aids movement

Dalmation Jasper: Creates joy, breaks down barriers

Fire Agate: Master healer, high energy stone

Fluorite: Harmony to chaos, balance, Intuition, Shielding

Garnet: Commitment, sex drive, balances emotions

*Goldstone: Ambition, Energy, Confidence, Optimism

*Blue Goldstone: Expansive vision, Creativity, Self expression

Hematite: Grounding, enhances memory, concentration

Howlite: Restful sleep, releases anger, self acceptance, generosity

Jade: Luck, Wisdom, calming

Kyanite: Aligns chakras, high vibration stone

Labradorite: Strength, Personal growth, life changes

Lapis Lazuli: Communication, Creativity, Self expression

Larimar: Tranquility, Release of old patterns, new perspectives

Lepidolite: Reduces stress, brings calm, mental illness aide

Moonstone: Nurtures feminine energies, luck, beginnings and endings

Obsidian: Strengthens energy field, protection against negativity

Onyx: Protection, Alleviates grief

Opal: Hope, good dreams, eases childbirth

*Opalite: Third eye, meditation, removes blockages

Pearl: Faith, Charity, Innocence 

Peridot: Increases clarity, patience, positive outlook, 

Peruvian Opal: Courage and Ingenuity. Self-esteem and self-love

Prehnite: Aids spiritual growth, boosts immune system

Pyrite: Grounding, Assertiveness, Vitality

Red Jasper: Insight, Dream recall, protection against negativity

Rhodochrosite: Emotional healing, selfless love, lifts mood

Rose Quartz: Love, opens heart to give and receive

Rutilated Quartz: Balances emotions in the body, repels negativity 

Selenite: Enhances energy, balances confusion, for indecision 

Seraphinite: Angelic connections, divine feminine, living from the heart

Snowflake Obsidian: Purity, Balances mind, body and spirit, change

Sodalite: Truth, Trust, self expression, facilitates group functions

Sugilite: Powerful healer of emotions, brings spiritual energy 

*Tanzine Aura: Opens crown chakra, dissolves blockages, being at one

Tiger Eye: Wealth, Patience, Manifestation, will power, determination

*Titanium Aura: Stone of astral journeys, removes energy blockages

Tourmaline -Black: Repels and protects negativity

Turquoise: Travel protection, Friendship, Intuition

Unakite: Psychic healing, negates EMF fields, past life healing.

Zoisite with Ruby: Transmutes negativity, stimulates psychic ability